Adult Ministries
Covenant's Congregational Care ministry tends to the spiritual, personal, and emotional health of the congregation. It includes Congregational Care Ministers, a Card Ministry, Touch Point Ministry, as well as Casserole and Care Package teams. For more information on serving, or if you're in need or care, contact Liz Yancy at [email protected].
One simple act of kindness and caring can change a person's life.
The Ladies Book Club meets monthly at 5:30 pm in Covenant's Cafe. Pizza and refreshments are served for a $5 donation. Contact Sally Andrews at [email protected] for information on this month's book pick.
All women are welcome to participate in Covenant's United Women in Faith events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider participating in our events or joining one of our Circles (small groups). For questions contact Jean Ferlanie at [email protected].
Covenant United Methodist Church
8350 Walnut Grove Rd Cordova, TN 38018 901-754-8587 [email protected] Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm Sunday Schedule 9:00am Traditional Worship 10:10am Sunday School 11:11am The Awakening Worship |