Student Ministries
We eat, play, worship, have gospel-centered conversations, and we serve and pray for one another and our community! We would love for you to join us!
Covenant Student Ministry
exists to make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, our community, and our schools. To welcome all to be empowered as we grow through worship, love, and selfless service to all people. Our mission for the student ministry here at CUMC is to have a strong community that is centered around the gospel, breaking bread together, serving together, and praying together. It is a safe and comfortable space that provides a lot of fun and discussions that are centered around the gospel with awesome leaders. Youth Group: Sundays (during the school year)
Sunday School: Sundays (all year around)
Covenant United Methodist Church
8350 Walnut Grove Rd Cordova, TN 38018 901-754-8587 [email protected] Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm Sunday Schedule 9:00am Traditional Worship 10:10am Sunday School 11:11am The Awakening Worship |